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Discover incredible diamond mines deep below the surface!

There are so many huge reserves of diamonds underground that we can never imagine

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, researchers at several universities in the United States have discovered an incredible diamond mine deep below the surface!

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Recently, researchers from several universities in the United States have discovered an incredible diamond mine deep below the surface.

In the research team, scientists from several institutions including the Massachusetts University of Technology (MIT), Harvard University, and the University of California have provided this information.

As much as diamond is considered a precious gem, it is a relatively common mineral in geologic measurements, said Ulrich Faull, a researcher in MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences.

He also said that there are huge reserves of diamonds underground which we can never imagine. However, this diamond has a type of rocky formation, which in scientific terms is called a `craton'.

In this regard, the researchers said that the scientists came to know about this deposit of diamonds after collecting underground seismic data and testing the rocks.

Scientists say there are believed to be more than a quadrillion (15 zeros after one) diamonds underground. Researchers are still continuing their research. Maybe we will learn more about diamonds in the near future.

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