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Music will be made from noise pollution this time

The Dhaka Times Desk Noise pollution in public places on roads is increasing. The environment of these areas is unbearable with the sound of cars, horns, people shouting. Unnecessary words are painful and create bad effects in your karmic field. If this were the case, music would be made from these painful sounds and who would keep the surrounding environment music? Yes, that's exactly what an artist by the name of Marc Day Papi has created. He made a sensor called Chime that can literally convert any sound into music.


Chaim Namely, the sensor receives sound from the environment and transforms it into music and releases it into the environment. Its creator Marc de Papi created the sensor by exploiting the excellent relationship between the environment and the device. Chime is basically composed of 18 sensors and 27 parameters have been inserted into it. Regular sounds in the environment will flow into it and transform into new sounds that will sound like music. The maker thinks that the music created in this way will calm people in the midst of various noises around.

Unnecessary road noise is responsible for creating various problems. Car horns, people's talk-screams, buyer-seller's bargaining all combine to create an unbearable situation in our city life. The environment is bad every day with the mixture of jam, black smoke, dust and sand. And there maybe a little music can bring some peace. Pappy's chime is supposed to transform the unnecessary sounds of the environment into music and it is supposed to reduce human fatigue to some extent.

Watch the video below for details:

References: The Tech Journal

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