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Research report: Intelligence increases in quarrels!

It is only through quarrels that differences of opinion are expressed and then work can be progressed

The Dhaka Times Desk A new research report brings good news for quarrelsome people! Because the report showed that the fight increases intelligence! What is it really? Let's find out about it.

গবেষণা রিপোর্ট: ঝগড়ায় বুদ্ধি বাড়ে! 1

No one likes a fight. That is a normal thing. But even if there is no desire, people start quarreling with people due to various reasons. And once a fight starts, I don't want to stop easily. And many times the quarrel ends up turning into a fight with dire consequences. That is why almost everyone wants to avoid quarrels.

Neither at home, nor at work, we do not like quarrels. Many people unknowingly suppress their dissatisfaction because they don't want to ruin the relationship. However, researchers say otherwise. Research has shown that if you fight or increase the intelligence of people! Amy Gallo, author of the book Harvard Business Review Guide to Dealing with Conflict at Work, told the media.

According to his information, it is never possible to succeed in work without expressing differences of opinion. It is only through quarrels that differences of opinion are expressed and then work can be progressed. Argument helps a person to become wiser than before!

Science research is mentioned as an example. Research also requires criticism from other scientists to test new theories. Because without criticism it is never possible to find the mistakes of that research.

Maybe many people will think why they will be bad in the eyes of others by expressing their differences of opinion. But it is not. There are good sides to fighting.

First: Arguing helps you understand whether your opinion is better or worse than others. Maybe you can present yourself more strongly, or you realize that someone else's opinion is much better than yours. This will increase your intelligence!

Second: You can show your point of view by arguing. You can instill in them the belief that you know better than them, at least in this matter.

And thirdly, it may be possible to argue that ideas that are commonly considered 'wrong' are 'right'. But unless there is a quarrel or an exchange of ideas, the matter will always remain in the dark.

According to a BBC news report, this does not mean that fighting is harmful. Again it is said that, without yelling and screaming, fights can be fought, workplace 'fights' will be deliberate and polite, so that no one gets hurt. But the question is what actually happens?

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