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112 years alive by drinking a drink!

This old woman from Works, Britain, said she drank a pint of whiskey every night since the age of 50.

The Dhaka Times Desk Age is increasing. But this is the only drink he has consumed despite his age. And that drink is alive for 112 years! Really strange people's pace of life!

এক পানীয় খেয়ে বেঁচে আছেন ১১২ বছর! 1

It is a fact that all people born on earth will have to taste death one day. But some die quickly and late. But everyone in the world wants to live long. In ancient times, however, people lived for a long time even after centuries. But in this day and age, that luck happens to very few people. If someone in this age survives to be healthy for over 100 years, it is likely that they had a special reason for living.

Britain's Grace Joan is the only centenarian woman. He has lived for more than 9 yugas i.e. 112 years. This centenarian woman told the secret of her healthy life.

A few days ago, a 105-year-old British woman told the public the reason for her centenary. Grace Jones revealed the secret of becoming a centenarian. He himself credited whiskey for this longevity.

The woman, who lives in Worcester, Britain, said she drank a pint of whiskey every night since the age of 50. Saw two world wars in this life. He is alive during the period of 26 Prime Ministers. That's why her friends called her 'Amazing Grace'. He has been drinking the famous Grouse single malt whiskey for the past 60 years.

He never misses a peg of whiskey at night. He also stated that he would drink whiskey like this as long as he lived.

His doctors also said that consuming so much whiskey is good for the heart. He got married at the age of 27. He is still fairly healthy. He only hears a little less with his ears. This century-old British woman Grace John still goes shopping every week.

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