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How to delete SMS sent on Facebook before the recipient sees it

One has to get into a lot of trouble by forgetting to send a message to another

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook chat is a silent communication medium without words. Billions of words are exchanged through messages every day on this platform. All kinds of necessary and unnecessary words are on Facebook. Many people while chatting with many people at once send a message to one person and forget to send the message to another person. Or writing a message maybe thinking whether to send the message or not. At that time, due to some reason, the message may have been sent.

প্রাপক দেখার আগেই যেভাবে ডিলেট করবেন ফেসবুকে সেন্ড করা এসএমএস 1

Due to such problems one has to face various problems. Either way, even if the message is sent, deleting it from your chatbox doesn't delete it from the person to whom it was forgotten. Usually after giving a comment or status if it is wrong we can delete or edit it as there is an option to edit or delete it, which gets deleted from everyone else or shows post edit status to everyone. But after sending the message on Facebook, even if it is deleted, there is no change to the recipient of the message. Which is very problematic.

Thinking of solving such problems, Facebook has added the option to delete unseen messages. From now on, if someone forgets to send a message, the sender can delete the message before they see it. From now on, below the option to delete messages, there is an option to remove unseen messages. If the sender removes the message from here, the message will be removed from both chats.

However, the Facebook authorities have not yet opened this feature to everyone. They are still doing some experiments with it. If all goes well they will open this feature for everyone very soon. Once this feature is launched, Facebook users will be saved from a huge problem.

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