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Research report: Smartphones are creating a mentally fragile generation!

The generation born in 1995 and after is called Eizen generation

The Dhaka Times Desk At present, the use of smartphones has increased many opportunities for people on the one hand, on the other hand, a mentally fragile generation is developing due to smartphones!

গবেষণা রিপোর্ট: স্মার্টফোনের কারণে মানসিকভাবে ভঙ্গুর প্রজন্ম গড়ে উঠছে! 1

Nowadays smartphones have become an important thing for many people. Smartphones are essential for almost everyone. This smartphone also comes with many benefits. However, its impact on the new generation is considered to be not very positive. Rather it is negative. San Diego State University psychology professor Jean Twenge believes that smartphones and social media are contributing to an unhappy, disaffected 'iGeneration'.

He calls them Aizen for iGeneration for short. When asked who they are, the psychologist said that the generation born in 1995 and after can be called the Eisen generation. This generation spends most of their teenage years using smartphones. They spend a lot of time online and on social media. They are spending a lot of time playing various games through these means. However, they spend less time away from the screen reading books, sleeping or meeting their friends.

The psychologist said, the speed of development of these children is very slow. They don't feel qualified enough to get a driver's license, join a job, drink or go out without a parent at 18. In this regard, they seem to be less competent than the teenagers of previous generations.

After his research on current adolescent behavior and mental health, the psychologist added, "A rapid change is being observed in adolescent children around 2011 and 2012." The feeling of loneliness among them is gradually increasing. They can't do anything right. They think their life is meaningless. All these seem to be the main symptoms of depression.

In this case, the advice of the psychologist is that happiness and mental health mainly depends on our thoughts. These things are within our control. The genes we are born with can never be changed, just as there is no overnight solution to poverty. But we can control how we spend our free time if we want to. We can also help our children in this task.

The study also noted that 13- to 18-year-olds are best off using digital media for about two hours or less per day. As we will get all the benefits of social media, we will also be protected from its harm. Therefore, the study advised parents to be vigilant in this matter.

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