The Dhaka Times
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Today, December 25: Merry Christmas

'Hate the sin, not the sinner' and 'Hate not the sin, but love' is the 'ever shining and unfailing light' call of Jesus Christ.

The Dhaka Times Desk Today is December 25, Merry Christmas. Jesus Christ's birthday. The joy of the festival in the homes of Christians. Cowsheds, Christmas trees and colorful lights will adorn churches, homes and luxury hotels.

আজ ২৫ ডিসেম্বর: শুভ বড়দিন 1

Today is December 25, Happy Big Day. Jesus Christ came to this world today as the 'king of the mind' of people with the call of 'not the sinner, hate the sin' and 'not hate, but love'. Today, a stream of joy is flowing in the homes of Christians. Churches, houses and elite hotels are bathed in multicolored lights. Today is decorated with go-salas, Christmas trees and colorful lights.

On this day, like the whole world, the Christian community of Bangladesh is also celebrating this biggest festival in various ceremonies. The day's program begins with a special prayer (Kristyoga) in the church this morning. There will be various types of delicious and high-quality food including cakes, pitha, oranges, polao-biryani.

The Christian community of Bangladesh will spend the day in processions, religious songs, kirtans, hospitality and ecstasy. On the occasion of the day, President Advocate Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and various political and religious communities have congratulated the people of the Christian community in separate messages. Today is a public holiday on the occasion of Christmas.

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