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Bangladeshi scientist Dr. Abed Chowdhury's anti-cancer 'red corn' invention!

This 'red corn' is much more nutritious than rice and wheat. This corn is anti-cancer

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi scientist Dr. Abed Chowdhury invented the anti-cancer 'red corn'! He is the son of Kulaura upazila of Moulvibazar.

বাংলাদেশী বিজ্ঞানী ড. আবেদ চৌধুরীর ক্যানসার প্রতিরোধক ‘লাল ভুট্টা’ উদ্ভাবন! 1

Bangladeshi scientist Dr. Abed Chowdhury invented the anti-cancer 'red corn'! He is the son of Kulaura upazila of Moulvibazar.

Bangladeshi genetic scientist Dr. Abed Chowdhury. This accomplished child of Kulaura Upazila of Moulvibazar gave this information in an exchange meeting last Sunday. Earlier this scientist invented four varieties of rice - Hafiza-1, Jalalia, Tanha and Doom.

Scientist Dr. Abed Chowdhury said, compared to rice and wheat, the nutritional quality of corn is much higher. Mainly due to the presence of carotene in corn, its color is yellow. So I invented colored corn clones. The significance of this is that this corn is anti-cancer.

Scientist Dr. Abed Chowdhury has received permission for various types of research work with Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC). As part of this research program, he developed a variety of colored maize by genetically modifying the commonly cultivated maize in the country.

This gene scientist also said that this newly invented colorful corn can be cultivated four times a year. Again, maize can be cultivated in Kharip-1 and Kharip-2 seasons as well. Again, hybrid corn can also come out through a process. The yield of maize that emerges will be equal to that of the hybrid. He has already distributed corn seeds among the successful farmers including the corn farmers of Kulaura upazila to encourage the farmers to cultivate this corn.

Dr. Abed Chowdhury is a gene scientist and science writer. He is one of the foremost researchers in modern biology. He also writes poetry. Dr. Abed Chowdhury discovered a gene for genetic recombination called RecD during his PhD research in 1983. Which has been widely researched in America and Europe in the eighties.

Pride of Bangladesh This scientist-researcher discovered 3 new genes related to asexual seed production (FIS), through which this genetic mutant was able to produce partial seeds without fertilization. His discovery marked the introduction of apomixis to the world, through which it is also possible to produce parentless seeds.

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