The Dhaka Times
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1 Phalgun 'Parsi' releasing online

'Parsi' presents the eternal truth of love in a new form through a strange incident.

The Dhaka Times Desk On the occasion of 1 Falgun (February 13) today, the short film 'Paarshi' is going to get an online release. The movie is directed by Sujeet Sajeeb.

অনলাইনে ১ ফাল্গুন মুক্তি পাচ্ছে ‘পড়শি’ 1

Shishir Chowdhury has written the screenplay of 'Parsi'. It stars Vivek Suman, Sagar Saha and Nutfa Neeru. The movie is produced by Rang-Cha Productions.

A familiar story. Through a strange incident, 'Paarshi' presented the eternal truth of love in a new form in a contemporary way. The story is familiar, its characters are also familiar. That which dwells within us, always roams within us with love.

In this regard, the director of 'Parsi', Sujit Sajeev, told the media that love in Bengali language films is usually shown within the framework of some very old concepts. But we have tried to break that tradition and present a new idea. Magical reality and Bengali prose of past and present love have become one here together. Such work seems to be the first in our country's cinema. Hopefully, the movie will give the audience a new taste. Shubhmukti of the movie 'Paarshi' on the official website of Rang-Cha Productions.

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