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Unmanned drones will work to prevent drug smuggling

The Dhaka Times Desk Not only in the battlefield, drones are being used for various good purposes including distributing newspapers in remote areas, preventing train accidents. Recently, researchers have been able to use drones to facilitate the use of coastguards to reduce the risk of shipping in the English Channel and the North Sea, to chase down illegal fishing boats or drug smugglers.


the drone is a special unmanned aircraft controlled by a remote pilot. Also known as Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS). Drones were used to attack common enemy bases, shoot down enemy aircraft. Currently, researchers are researching the multi-purpose use of drones.

Researchers at the University of Southampton in the UK have developed this special drone named 2SEAS. The drone is unmanned with a high definition camera, wingspan of four meters and two engines. Note that in August 2011, researchers from the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom made the first flight of a drone named SEAS (University of Southampton Laser Sintered Aircraft) with a 1.5 meter long wingspan and electric power.

The drone, called 2SEAS, runs on gasoline. Two engines are used in the drone for the speed and performance of the drone. The drone's wings are made of carbon fiber. The 2SEAS drone's main body, housing fuel, tracking equipment are 3D printed. A forward-facing camera is attached under the wing with special sensors to detect drugs. The drone will be able to fly continuously for 6 hours at a speed of 55 miles per hour, which can match the speed of a smuggler's speedboard.

Researchers are currently working on it and by 2015 it could be developed to catch drug smugglers in Europe's North Sea. The UK, France and Ireland have expressed interest in using the research to protect the English Channel and the North Sea, either individually or jointly.

References: The Tech Journal

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