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A person teaches guitar and flute for one rupee on the way to Delhi! [video]

At least 200 students come to him every day

The Dhaka Times Desk Every morning this person is seen walking towards Andhra Bhavan with his guitar case, flute and notebook. Barefoot most of the day. He teaches guitar, flute.

দিল্লির পথে পথে ঘুরে এক টাকায় গিটার, বাঁশি শেখান এক ব্যক্তি! [ভিডিও] 1

As if he himself started to squirm. Because his students are waiting. He took classes on the sidewalk, sometimes sitting in the field. Each student has one rupee coin. Why? He takes this one rupee as gurudakshina from the students every day. Thousands of students know him by one name. He is Guitar Rao.

At least 200 students come to him every day. But although the name is Guitar Rao, fifty-year-old Yashbir Rao is equally skilled on the flute.

He lives like an ordinary working man in a small hut with a beard, wearing Punjabi or cotton clothes. He was working as a senior staff member of a multinational company till 2009. He is a civil engineer by profession. He did not like corporate jobs. He was suffering from depression.

After quitting his job to bring back the music he learned in college life, he slowly started getting loans in the market. He was separated from his family at one time. Depression continued to increase in his life. According to someone close to Rao, he once visited the Tirupati temple. It was there that the first thought of teaching guitar and flute came.

Then he came to Delhi and met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and appealed to him that to increase the love of music among the people of India, music should be included in the curriculum from childhood in every school. He thought the name of this project would be 'Sangeet Bharat Campaign'.

People irrespective of caste and religion flocked to him to learn guitar. Rao claimed that military officers and bureaucrats came to him to learn tunes. Someone has relearned basic guitar lessons by coming to an interview, it has happened.

He also fixed the time. Rao took classes at Delhi's Andhra Bhavan from 6 am to 9 am, Vijay Chowk from 2 pm to 6 pm and India Gate from 6 pm to 9 pm. According to Rao, keeping a good mind is the biggest challenge for him. Because most people have money. However, their mind is not good. It is from this thought that he chose the tune.

Rao passed graduation level examination in music from Telangana University. Now he wants to get a doctorate degree. He can play guitar, flute and also violin and keyboard.

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