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Washington DC Mayor Celebrates 'Bangladesh Day'

In the message, the mayor of Washington DC thanked the Bangladesh Embassy for contributing to the cultural diversity of the city and participating in various local events.

The Dhaka Times Desk Yesterday (March 26) the 49th anniversary of independence was celebrated all over Bangladesh. This year, March 26 has been declared as 'Bangladesh Day' by the Washington DC authorities of the United States. Yesterday they celebrated this day as 'Bangladesh Day'.

ওয়াশিংটন ডিসির মেয়র পালন করলেন ‘বাংলাদেশ দিবস’ 1

Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser announced this decision in a message sent to Bangladesh Embassy last Monday evening.

The message said that "on this day, Bangladesh remembers the bravery of their father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the freedom fighters who brought this freedom."

In that message, the mayor of Washington DC thanked the Bangladesh Embassy for playing a role in the cultural diversity of the city and participating in various local events.

It should be noted that earlier in 2018, March 26 was declared as 'Bangladesh Day' by the mayor of Washington DC.

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