The Dhaka Times
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'US troops looted IS 50 tons of gold!'

The American soldiers seized that 50 tons of gold from the militants in the city of Mosul, Iraq

The Dhaka Times Desk US troops have sent more than 50 tons of gold to the United States from the area under the control of the recently defeated ISIS in Syria! Turkish media Daily Sabah reported this news with reference to Kurdish news agency Bas.

‘মার্কিন সেনারা আইএসের ৫০ টন সোনা লুট করে নিয়ে গেছে!’ 1

According to the report of Daily Sabah, after liberating the Islamic State (IS), at least 50 tons of gold were looted from those areas and sent to the United States by American soldiers. Most of the gold is smuggled from Dar-e-Johar area. Initially, the gold found was sent to the US military base in Kabani.

According to various Kurdish regional media reports, the US troops seized 50 tons of gold from militants in the Iraqi city of Mosul. Then they smuggle the gold.

Some locals have claimed that the US troops seized a large amount of gold from the militants and smuggled it. They saw the gold being taken elsewhere in big boxes.

Some of the gold seized from IS is also given to the Kurdish armed group PKK, according to media reports.

On the other hand, the UK-based organization Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a report that the US-backed PKK seized 40 tons of gold from IS.

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