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Facebook is now giving the opportunity to open the news page to earn!

Facebook is the place of all evil in the current era!

The Dhaka Times Desk We all are getting addicted to the world's popular social media Facebook. Many people say or believe that Facebook is a waste of time. But to change the idea of everyone, opening the news page gives an opportunity to earn!

ফেসবুক এবার নিউজ পেজ খুলে আয় করার সুযোগ দিচ্ছে! 1

We all are getting addicted to the world's popular social media Facebook. Many people say or believe that Facebook is a waste of time. But to change the idea of everyone, opening the news page gives an opportunity to earn!

It is said that Facebook is the place of all evil in the current era. Facebook is the place where young boys and girls go astray. The words may not lie. In fact, such incidents are now happening through Facebook itself. However, to change this idea of people, Facebook is giving an opportunity to earn by opening news pages!

It can be seen that young boys and girls are wasting hours on Facebook apart from studying. However, good things are also happening through this Facebook, many criminals are being caught, blood collection, various people's dangers are posted on Facebook and money is raised to get them treated through Facebook. There are many other examples of good work, largely due to the existence of Facebook. In fact, one thing is that there is one side of good and one side of bad. If you reject the bad and accept the good, there is no problem.

However, the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has also said that direct communication with the publishers will be maintained to give an opportunity to earn money by opening news pages on Facebook. He recently told Matthias Doefner, CEO of Axel Springer, Germany's largest online news agency, that publishers will be contacted directly to ensure page owners' content is successfully presented on Facebook.

Zuckerberg said, 'Facebook never wanted to be a publisher. However, the medium avoided being a media company for a long time, but this time it wants to become its partner. I want people around the world to work with reliable and truthful news that will help journalists do their important work.'

Facebook is seriously considering opening a completely separate page for news and has started working on all possible processes, including paying publishers, a spokesperson for the medium said.

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