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Amazing Invention: Invention of Pangas Fish Pickle and Powder

This research was done to prevent losses in pangas fish farming due to increased cost of production

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh Agricultural University (Bakribi) Department of Fisheries Technology Professor Dr. AKM Naushad Alam and his research team developed pangas pickle and powder.

বিস্ময়কর উদ্ভাবন: পাঙাস মাছের আচার এবং পাউডার উদ্ভাবন 1

It is known that it is possible to keep all the nutrients of pangas fish in this pickle and powder developed after two years of research.

This research was done to prevent losses in pangas fish farming due to increased cost of production. The research project titled ``Postharvest Loss Mitigation and Value Addition of Freshwater Fish'' was funded by the Agricultural Research Foundation.

Researcher Prof. Naushad said, anyone can prepare Mochamche Pangas Achar by maintaining a healthy environment with simple cooking equipment and utensils.

This pickle contains 37 percent meat, 28 percent fat, 16 percent minerals and 11 percent fiber. Being dry and crumbly, pickles can be stored at room temperature for about a year. 350 grams of pickle can be made from one kg of pangas fish.

Professor Naushad said about pangas powder, pangas fat gets destroyed at room temperature. Its fat and pulp are preserved in various processes to make powder. About 250 grams of powder can be made from one kg of pangas. It can also be stored for one year, researchers said.

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