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How diabetics should take care of their feet

A small infection can lead to major problems

The Dhaka Times Desk. One of the most deadly diseases today is diabetes. Once infected with this disease, it is not easily cured. Therefore, various precautions have to be taken for this in advance. Diabetic patients are most at risk of their feet. A small infection can lead to major problems. So it is important to take care of your feet beforehand. Today we will know how diabetics can take care of their feet.

ডায়াবেটিস রোগী যেভাবে পায়ের যত্ন নিবেন 1

1. Return home from outside and look at your feet. Note whether the leg is cut or injured due to any reason. Because a diabetic patient does not want to heal easily if he cuts somewhere. Therefore, if the wound area is not taken care of well in advance, it can cause major damage.

2. Never go outside with bare feet. Because diabetes is a hormonal disease. And this disease gradually damages nerve cells severely. As a result, sensitivity decreases. As a result, even if your leg is cut somewhere, you will not understand it easily. So it is not right to go out with bare feet.

3. Shoes should fit your feet. A little bigger is better but under no circumstances should small shoes be worn. Small shoes can cause a variety of injuries to your feet, including blisters. Since wounds in diabetics do not tend to heal easily, small blisters can develop into large ones.

4. Diabetic patients should choose afternoon time for buying shoes. Because the legs are swollen in the afternoon. So if you buy shoes in the afternoon, there is no way that they will be small. But if you buy shoes in the morning, they may not fit properly in the afternoon.

5. Before going to sleep at night, wash your feet with warm water. Then wipe your feet well with a soft cloth and go to sleep. This will protect your feet from infection.

6. Trim toenails regularly. If the nail is too long, the foot may be injured or the corner of the nail may grow into the skin.

7. Legs should be exercised regularly. Exercising the legs regularly will keep the blood circulation in the legs normal and the nerve cells working properly. As a result, it will be possible to get rid of various foot problems.

In addition, if there is a change in the color of the skin of the feet for any reason, consult a doctor immediately.

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