The Dhaka Times
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The world's first shit museum opened in Japan!

Excrement is a thing that exists in the body of all the animals of the world. But once it's out, everyone wants to stay away from it or move away

The Dhaka Times Desk We see the news of different museums in the world from time to time. But this time there is news of an exceptional museum. And that is the shit museum. The world's first shit museum opened in Japan!

বিশ্বের প্রথম বিষ্ঠা জাদুঘর চালু হলো জাপানে! 1

We see the news of different museums in the world from time to time. But this time there is news of an exceptional museum. And that is the shit museum. The world's first shit museum opened in Japan!

According to a BBC Bengali news, excrement is something that exists in the body of all animals in the world. But once it's out, everyone wants to stay away from it or move away.

However, recently a museum dedicated to poop has been launched in Japan. But think it's a museum of real shit? There is not real shit, there is an exhibition of different colored fake shit.

More than 1,000 visitors come to this museum in Yokohama, Japan every day. Because people's interest in listening to shit is endless!

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