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The groom is playing PUBG at the wedding! [video]

Recently, a video showing how much PUBG addiction makes people apathetic has gone viral in the internet world

The Dhaka Times Desk In recent times, the craze among young people starting at a young age with the PUBG game is visible. At the wedding itself, the groom played the PUBG game and created a sensation.

বিয়ের আসরে বর খেলছে পাবজি! [ভিডিও] 1

Sometimes the frenzy of playing PUBG game turns into a terrible addiction. That addiction to pubg games makes people indifferent to their surroundings.

Recently, a video showing how much PUBG addiction makes people apathetic has gone viral in the internet world. It can be seen that the groom is playing PUBG game at a wedding ceremony. He has no heart in the marriage ceremony. When that video went viral, severe criticism started.

An Indian media has published such a news. In that report, a video was released, that is a video of a wedding hall. The bride and groom are sitting on specific seats in that mandap. The excitement of the invitees reached its peak to see the bride and groom sitting side by side. Everyone is coming, standing in front of the bride and groom. Blessing the newlyweds, handing over various gifts.

However, even in all these things, the groom does not care. Sitting next to the bride, he is playing PUBG in his mind. He is so engrossed in this mobile game that he gets annoyed even if someone comes to give him a gift. When the mobile phone is covered with the gift while giving the gift, the groom removes the gift with his own hands.

After seeing the video of the groom's PUBG addiction even after getting married, many people have expressed their opinion on the matter. In their discussion, the terrible issue of PUBG addiction came up again and again.

Watch the video

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