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The Indian helicopter was destroyed by its own missiles!

6 soldiers and a civilian were killed in the attack

The Dhaka Times Desk In the extreme tension and conflict between India and Pakistan, the Indian Mi-17 helicopter was destroyed by its own missiles thinking it was a Pakistani warplane!

ভারতের হেলিকপ্টারটি নিজেদের ক্ষেপণাস্ত্রের আঘাতেই ধ্বংস হয়েছিল! 1

6 soldiers and a civilian were killed in the attack. The investigation is going on for the last two months. It will take another 20 days to complete the investigation. However, the fact that the incident has already come to light in the media has created quite a stir.

The Air Officer Commanding (AOC) of the Indian Air Force is going to face punishment in this regard. A case of involuntary manslaughter may also be filed against him under the Air Force Act.

The Indian Air Force entered Pakistan's Balakot on February 26 as a countermeasure to the horrific terrorist attack in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama. In response, Pakistan Air Force F-16 fighter jets crossed the Line of Control and entered India on February 27.

Indian Mi-17 military helicopter was mistakenly mistaken for an enemy aircraft and destroyed by its own missiles despite the IFF system in place to deal with that warplane. The helicopter was made by the Russian air force, the missile that was fired was made by Israel.

Basically, the EFF system is that if a signal is sent to any aircraft or helicopter flying in the sky, that aircraft or helicopter also sends a signal in response. By which it is understood, it is not an enemy plane. But in this case, why the helicopter did not send the signal back or whether their signal sending device was bad is not known. The investigating team is also looking into the role of the Srinagar airport.

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