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75 percent of a whole bridge has been stolen!

One such amazing incident happened in Murmansk province of Russia

The Dhaka Times Desk The theft that has no limit in our country is called pond theft. But it is really unbelievable that such theft can happen in other countries. One such incident is the theft of 75 percent of a whole bridge!

আস্ত একটি ব্রিজের ৭৫ শতাংশ চুরি হয়ে গেছে! 1

The theft that has no limit in our country is called pond theft. But it is really unbelievable that such theft can happen in other countries. One such incident is the theft of 75 percent of a whole bridge! After witnessing such an event, everyone is really surprised. What is possible?

We have heard about the theft of money, gold, jewelry or expensive cars. But have we ever heard of a whole bridge being stolen? One such amazing incident happened in Murmansk province of Russia. Recently, a 75-foot deck part of a bridge on the Umba River has disappeared. Locals complain that the bridge has been stolen. They have also complained to the police about the matter.

According to a report by the British media Daily Mail, the bridge connecting the villages of Ikuven and Lovorezzo was declared abandoned several years ago. Its 56-ton (56,000 kg) middle section was first reported missing last May.

Meanwhile, local authorities started an investigation after the news of the disappearance of the bridge spread through the social media site Vic.

A photo published on Russian social network 'VKontakte' on May 16 shows that the span of the bridge is no longer there within 10 days after the bridge's middle pillar fell into the water.

The publishers of the images said that no debris was found in the water. According to them, no natural calamity can cause this incident. Unknown persons may have taken the broken part of the bridge.

Locals believe that the span of the bridge has been stolen. Various incidents including theft have been happening in this area for a long time. But no one ever thought that this heavy metal bridge could be stolen. A police complaint has been lodged after the incident of bridge theft came to light. Police have started an investigation.

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