The Dhaka Times
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World's first 5-seater flying taxi

A German startup called Lilium is going to bring this taxi

The Dhaka Times Desk Technology is moving very fast. In this modern age, various technology companies are constantly innovating to make our lives easier. Here comes the 5-seater taxi that can fly. This is the first such taxi in the world.

বিশ্বের প্রথম ৫ সিটের উড়ন্ত ট্যাক্সি 1

According to a BBC report, a German startup called Lilium is going to bring this taxi. This truck is able to fly automatically. It uses electric engine.

This taxi will have 5 seats. That is, maximum 5 people can board this taxi as passengers. It can travel 300 km per hour. The introduction of flying taxis is expected to revolutionize the communication system.

However, various organizations have tested flying taxis before. But none of them had more than two seats. That's why Lilium's taxi will be the world's first 5-seater flying taxi.

Lilium co-founder and chief executive Daniel Ugend told the media about this innovation, "Going from 2 to 5 seats was our main goal. Because we are committed to opening up the skies to more people.

36 electric motors are used in this flying taxi. Basically it will take off and land with the help of these. The taxi can travel 300 km on a single charge. Lilium said that they will start the large-scale production process of this taxi by 2020.

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