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Silicon circuit will save electricity!

Silicon is the 8th most abundant element on Earth

silicon chip on a circuit board microprocessor

The Dhaka Times Desk Silicon is a well-known element name in our science world. Today's report is about how we can use this silicon. Silicon circuit will basically save us electricity!

সিলিকন সার্কিট বিদ্যুৎ বাঁচাবে! 1

Silicon is the 8th most abundant element on Earth. Its atomic number is 14. Although very little silicon in our world is found in pure form. Silicon is found primarily in dust, sand, asteroids and planets in the form of silicon oxides known as silicates. The scientist Antony Lavoisier first discovered and identified this silicon in 1787. Our earth contains a large number of silicate compounds. About 90 percent of our Earth's crust is made up of these silicate compounds, with silicate oxides being the second most abundant compound after oxygen. Recently, a scientist in India, Ayan Karmkar, is planning to develop a circuit made of silicon, by which we can easily make our electricity more affordable. According to him, if silicon is used to make high-level radio-wave circuits, we will reduce our electricity consumption in a very short time. This silicon circuit will make our electricity more affordable and convenient.

Ayan Karmakar is a son of a Hindu family in Calcutta. He passed his BTech in Electronics and Communication Technology from a private engineering college in the southern suburbs of Ballygunge Jagadbandhu Institution. Later he passed M.Tech in Telecommunication Engineering from Durgapur NIT. At the beginning of his career, he joined the Indian Space Research Organization or ISRO in 2006. Recently he is working in Advanced Micro and Nano Systems Division of Semiconductor Laboratory, Chandigarh.

According to researchers, recently all the inventions demand smaller circuits because smaller circuits mean smaller devices. Small appliances consume less energy to operate, thereby saving us electricity.

Our recently developed or invented communication systems and technologies use small circuits. Silicon circuits are also being used constantly. In addition to very large scale integration, silicon circuits have also been used in ultra large scale integration technology, resulting in power as well as financial benefits to the business sector. On the other hand, many scientists from different countries and abroad are working on the correct method of using circuits made of silicon in the field of microwave or radio frequency generation. At present, Ayan Karmakar himself has devoted himself to discovering the path and direction of making the desired chip.

According to him, silicon circuits were not used or suitable for high frequency applications till now. But recently Ayan Karmkar thinks that silicon can be used in high frequency communication circuits. In that case, by changing the resistivity of that material, it has been possible to make it suitable for use in millimeter or microwave, which is called CRF technology. If we are able to use this method in our daily life with the efforts of ion workers and other scientists, then soon this silicon circuit will play an excellent role in protecting our country's electricity.

By using this circuit, we use our home lights, electric fans, AC, medicine, treatment, entertainment, etc. Our use of internet has gradually increased which we call Internet of things in one word. The recently hyped 5G net service that we are all excited about, this terahertz technology also requires smaller and smaller circuits that we can build with this silicon. In the case of terahertz technology, if we are able to use silicon in circuits, our electricity consumption rate will decrease very quickly.

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