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What was the world's first animal?

Scientists have confirmed this by conducting experiments in the laboratory

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists have confirmed the appearance of the world's oldest animal. There is now little doubt that a very strange ellipsoidal fossil discovered on a mountain slope in Russia is the world's first animal.

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Scientists have confirmed the appearance of the world's oldest animal. There is now little doubt that a very strange ellipsoidal fossil discovered on a mountain slope in Russia is the world's first animal.

According to a report of The Independent of the United Kingdom, there has been a strong debate among paleontologists or paleontologists for several decades after the discovery of the fossils of this animal called Dickinsonia. About 56 million years ago, this animal roamed the earth with power. In biological terms it was actually the Ediacaran period. It is believed that the first multicellular macroorganisms appeared in this era. However, they looked so different from today's animals that their true identity has remained a mystery for a long time.

Scientists have long believed that this organism named Dickinsonia is not actually a multicellular organism. Although this creature is about a meter long, it is actually a single-celled amoeba or fungus.

But so far it has been controversial. Scientists have conducted laboratory experiments to confirm that it is actually a complete animal. As such, it is natural that they are one of the first animals in the world.

The animal's fossil is so well preserved that scientists have even found cholesterol in it. It is actually the fatty material that bears witness to a complete animal.

Professor Joaquin Brooks of the Australian National University said, 'The type of fatty material we found in it proves that such large animals existed on Earth 558 million years ago. In fact, it is millions of years earlier than what we previously thought.'

It has long been thought that large animals began to rule the Earth during the Cambrian period, 540 million years ago. Researchers are conducting intensive research to confirm this fact. We may get more shocking information in the near future.

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