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Research says: more than 5 hours of mobile phone is dangerous!

This technology has both good and bad sides

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays people are becoming dependent on technology day by day due to technology. And this technology has its pros as well as its cons. Now a study says that it is dangerous if you have a mobile phone for more than 5 hours!

গবেষণা বলছে: হাতে ৫ ঘণ্টার বেশি সময় মোবাইল থাকলেই বিপদ! 1

Nowadays people are becoming dependent on technology day by day due to technology. And this technology has its pros as well as its cons. Now a study says that it is dangerous if you have a mobile phone for more than 5 hours!

A research report has revealed that mobile users who spend more than 5 hours a day are more likely to be obese. Recently, scientists from Simon Bolivia University in Colombia conducted a survey among students and gave such information.

Being overweight or obese in general can increase the risk of heart disease. Due to this, various diseases and illnesses then start building a nest in the body.

The researchers gave this information by conducting a survey on 1060 students in Colombia. Those between the age of 19 to 20 years.

Studies have shown that mobile technology is having a huge impact on users. People's eating habits are also changing, the way of life is also changing. Which has a direct impact on the weight and body of those students.

This is what Mirari Mantilla Morone, one of the research team at Simon Bolivia University in Colombia, said.

The study found that those who used mobile phones for long periods of the day had a 43 percent increase in obesity.

Along with this, there has been an increase in the tendency of eating snacks, sweets and fast food among the students participating in the study. Due to spending most of the time on mobile during the day, the tendency to exercise has also decreased among them.

On the other hand, the researchers found that among students who spend less time on mobile, the tendency to become fat is relatively less. Therefore, the suggestion of the researchers is that everything is bad in excess of the need, so it is wise not to use the mobile phone if it is not necessary. Moreover, in recent times the level of mobile phone usage among teenagers is very high. Everyone has to be careful in order to have time. Otherwise it will affect our quality of life.

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