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Former Kashmir Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah arrested

People living there are worried about Kashmir

The Dhaka Times Desk Almost everyone living there is worried about Kashmir. Just as there is fear among the common people, the leaders who are there are also not safe. Former Kashmir Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah has been arrested.

কাশ্মীরের সাবেক মুখ্যমন্ত্রী ফারুক আবদুল্লাহকে গ্রেফতার 1

Almost everyone living there is worried about Kashmir. Just as there is fear among the common people, the leaders who are there are also not safe. Former Kashmir Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah has been arrested.

Almost everyone living there is worried about Kashmir. Just as there is fear among the common people, the leaders who are there are also not safe. Former Kashmir Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah has been arrested. Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister, current Rajya Sabha member, National Conference (NC) leader Farooq Abdullah was arrested last night (Sunday, September 15) under the Public Safety Act (PSA), after being placed under house arrest since August 5. Anyone arrested under this Public Safety Act can be detained for up to two years without trial.

It is to be noted that, regarding Farook's house arrest from August 5, India's Union Home Minister Amit Shah said on August 6 that, 'He has neither been detained, nor has he been punished, he is doing everything of his own free will'. Although 2 NC leaders on Farooq's behalf said that the Home Minister had lied to Parliament. Earlier, The Hindu newspaper reported at that time that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had met Farooq Abdullah and his son Omar Abdullah before revoking Article 370.

Meanwhile, a notice issued by the Supreme Court yesterday (Monday, September 16) informed that the date of hearing of Farooq Abdullah's case has been set for September 30.

It should be noted that the central government of India canceled Article 370 of Kashmir in August. In this act there was autonomy for Kashmiris. But due to the repeal of that Act, all the powers of all Kashmir remain in the hands of the central government of India. The central government of the country will now control Kashmir as they wish. This Act was passed for that purpose.

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