The Dhaka Times
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Actress Tasnuva Tisha in new advertisement

Along with acting in dramas, actress Tasnuva Tisha also works in advertisements regularly

The Dhaka Times Desk Actress Tasnuva Tisha. He won the hearts of the audience by acting in one drama after another. He has also received appreciation by acting in various TV serials. That is why he is getting the opportunity to act in various dramas. Producers are also interested in making plays with him. Coming forward to make a drama about him. And this is how Tasnuva Tisha became a popular actress in TV dramas.

অভিনেত্রী তাসনুভা তিশা নতুন বিজ্ঞাপনে 1

Actress Tasnuva Tisha. He won the hearts of the audience by acting in one drama after another. He has also received appreciation by acting in various TV serials. That is why he is getting the opportunity to act in various dramas. Producers are also interested in making plays with him. Coming forward to make a drama about him. And this is how Tasnuva Tisha became a popular actress in TV dramas.

According to a report in the media, actress Tasnuva Tisha works regularly in advertisements along with acting in dramas. A new advertisement model in this series is Tasnuva Tisha. Now he will be seen in a coffee band advertisement.

According to a news report, the shooting of the advertisement has already been completed. This ad is produced by Fahad Khan. Apart from Tisha, dancers Hudi Sheikh, Sohana Oliva and ramp model Imran Khan have acted in this advertisement.

Tasnuva Tisha told the media about being a model in this advertisement, 'Before acting in any advertisement, I think about the story and the character. I did the same with this ad. After hearing the idea from the director, I agreed to act in it. This ad is made with a different story. Hope everyone likes it.'

অভিনেত্রী তাসনুভা তিশা নতুন বিজ্ঞাপনে 2

About the advertisement, producer Fahad Khan told the media that, 'Before making each advertisement, I work by considering the quality and reputation of the product. I hope that this advertisement will be enjoyable for the coffee lovers of the country and also for the audience.

It is to be noted that Tasnuva Tisha received great appreciation by acting in one TV drama after another. His series of dramas have been well received by the audience.

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