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Xiaomi surprise at the end of the year

Among the thousands of mobile companies currently in the market, one of the recently discussed and popular brands is Xiaomi

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. We are able to perform all our related tasks very easily through smartphones.

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Our lives have become easier and easier through smartphones. Among the thousands of mobile companies currently in the market, one of the recently discussed and popular brands is Xiaomi. No company in the world or any mobile phone brand or smart phone company has been able to reach such a peak of success in such a short period of time. Xiaomi has managed to conquer the Chinese market and dominate the world in a very short period of time. Currently the only and best mobile phone brand in India is Xiaomi. In addition, the popularity of Xiaomi is very high in our country. Xiaomi is handing over the mobile phones to the customers very easily with various excellent features at a very low price. Xiaomi has its own OS account through which you can collect and store all your data just like an iPhone.

Just as we are eagerly waiting for all the new features of iPhone or new models of phones, in the same way everyone is waiting for Xiaomi to see what will happen to their new smart phones. Currently Xiaomi Mix series is an amazing phone coming in the market recently which is very good from other Xiaomi phones. This new phone from Xiaomi's Mix series is the Mi Mix Alpha.

The Xiaomi Mi Mix Mi Alpha phone has an amazing camera. The Mi Mix phone is equipped with a 108 megapixel camera, which has been prepared by the Chinese technology company Xiaomi with very advanced technology. It was launched in the Chinese market last Tuesday.

The Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha phone has a 108-megapixel camera along with a 20-megapixel ultra-wide camera. This phone also provides a telephoto lens of 12 megapixels so that users can get a taste of an exciting state-of-the-art camera. It has a sensor with a resolution of 12032 x 9024 pixels and a pixel size of 0.8 microns. The display of this high-end phone from Xiaomi is the best feature. The display of this phone is 7.92 inch display which is completely wrapped in the body. This means that you can easily use the full-screen display with this phone, which has increased the font size and beauty several times. Along with the modern display, this Mix Alpha phone has a 2.15 mm bezel.

Reaching the pinnacle of modernization, this state-of-the-art phone has the convenience of using 5G. Other features include a Snapdragon 855 Plus processor and 12GB of RAM with 512GB of ultra-fast support. 512 GB storage which is an incredible gift is expressed by the customers. One of the best features of this phone is its battery. It is powered by around 4000 mAh battery with 40W fast charging facility on Jet. According to experts, the Mi Alpha Xiaomi phone is called a concept smartphone. The coveted phone will go on sale in December and will be priced around $800.

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