The Dhaka Times
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Distress signal number 10: Cyclone Bulbul is approaching with strong force

The local administration has already started to evacuate the people of the coastal areas

The Dhaka Times Desk Cyclone Bulbul is approaching with great force. Bulbul is likely to hit Bangladesh through the southwestern Sundarbans region of Bangladesh between Saturday evening and midnight.

১০ নম্বর মহাবিপদ সংকেত: প্রবল শক্তিতে এগিয়ে আসছে ঘূর্ণিঝড় বুলবুল 1

Cyclone Bulbul is approaching with great force. Bulbul is likely to hit Bangladesh through the southwestern Sundarbans region of Bangladesh between Saturday evening and midnight.

Meanwhile, there may be high tide of 5 to 7 feet on the coast. In this situation, the local administration has already started to evacuate the people of the coastal area.

These instructions were given in the emergency meeting of the disaster management committee yesterday (Friday) in the conference room of the ministry in the secretariat. In the meeting, the state minister for disaster management and relief has ordered about 56 thousand volunteers to be ready in all coastal districts and upazilas. Md. Enamur Rahman.

In response to cyclone 'Bulbul', relief and rehabilitation officers of the coastal districts and the project implementation officers of all the upazilas under their control have been instructed to stay at work until further orders.

Meanwhile, Mongla and Payra seaports have been asked to display the No. 10 Great Danger Signal. On the other hand, Chittagong Sea Port has been asked to show warning signal number 9.

Volunteers have already started working in the affected areas. People from coastal areas are being brought to shelters.

On the other hand, today's (Saturday) JSC and JDC exams have been postponed. People have been instructed to face the situation calmly without fear in such dire situation. 5 warships are kept ready in the coastal area.

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