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Arshola now built a nest in people's ears!

আরশোলা বাসা বাঁধলো অথচ তিনি কীভাবে এখনও জীবিত রয়েছেন?

The Dhaka Times Desk You will be surprised to hear such a thing, it is a natural phenomenon. Because if there is something inside the ear, that person cannot stay healthy. However, a person has been found in whose ear Arshola has been nested! Doctors are surprised to see such an event! How is this possible? Arshola nested in a human ear like that and how is she still alive?

আরশোলা এবার বাসা বাঁধলো মানুষের কানে! 1

You will be surprised to hear such a thing, it is a natural phenomenon. Because if there is something inside the ear, that person cannot stay healthy. However, a person has been found in whose ear Arshola has been nested! Doctors are surprised to see such an event! How is this possible? Arshola nested in a human ear like that and how is she still alive?

24-year-old youth Lv. He is from China. The person had severe pain in his right ear for some days. Recently, one night, that pain reached its peak. The person was writhing in pain while lying on the bed. At that time, his family lit the torch and saw that the big Arshola was seen in LV's ears!

At that time, he was taken to Sanhe Hospital in Huizhou City with severe ear pain. Specialist doctors examined him there. They were shocked while treating him. They saw Arshola's entire family within earshot of LV!

"LV came to us with severe ear pain," Zhang Yijing, a doctor at Sanhe Hospital, told the media. From inside the ear, we found more than 10 baby arshola besides one big arshola. They were moving inside the ear!

However, the doctors could not tell anything about how long Arshola's family had been living in the man's ears. But how is this possible? In this regard, the doctor told the local media that the man used to sleep with a packet of food next to the bed. It is feared that Arshola may have entered while eating that food.

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