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Advise students to 'lie down in the grave' to reduce stress! [video]

We use various methods to get rid of excess stress

The Dhaka Times Desk Stress is a difficult thing. Because this stress causes many problems in our life. Students are given a novel suggestion to 'lie down in the grave' to reduce exam stress!

চাপ কমানোর জন্য শিক্ষার্থীদের ‘কবরে শুয়ে থাকার’ পরামর্শ! [ভিডিও] 1

We use various methods to get rid of excess stress. Some go for a walk, some do yoga again - and many resort to doctors.

Radboud University of the Netherlands has given innovative advice to students to get rid of mental stress. Students at this educational institution in the city of Nijmegen have been advised to lie on the graves to reduce stress.

According to a report of the British media Daily Mirror, the students are under a lot of stress when the exam is in front of them. This novel 'purification method' will release them from this pressure. It will help reduce all kinds of stress including exam stress. That's why Radboud University authorities have chosen this novel 'grave theory'.

This method of reducing stress is that the students have to lie down in a hole as big as a grave. A student should spend a minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of 3 hours in this grave. But one condition is - you can go there with only a mat and a pillow. No mobile phone or any other personal belongings can be taken.

According to media reports, this innovative method has received a great response among students. The subject has become so popular that students are being given serials to stay in this grave of purification. "Me and my roommate wanted to stay at that grave a week ago," said Sen. McLaughlin, a student. While giving the serial, I see that there is already a waiting list. So it is understood that the matter has become popular.'

John Hacking, the founder of the project, said, 'We all know that death is inevitable at the end of life. This eternal truth is a very difficult thing to convey to 18, 19 and 20-year-old students. This purification grave will at least help them think about their time.'

It is known that a board will be seen upon entering the purification grave. It says in Latin, 'Momento mori.' That is, 'Remember, you will die one day.'

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