The Dhaka Times
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New Bakr's brothers are Mir Sabbir and Saju Khadem

This time we will see a new Baker brother

The Dhaka Times Desk Famous fiction writer Humayun Ahmed's once extremely popular play was 'Kothao Kew Nei'. Asaduzzaman Noor played the role of Buck's brother in the play.

নতুন বাকের ভাই হচ্ছেন মীর সাব্বির ও সাজু খাদেম 1

Subarna Mustafa played the role of Muna in that play. In the play, it is seen that Muna is very much liked by Buck's brother. But Muna always avoided him. Buck's brother was finally hanged in that play. And then there were many processions in Bangladesh about the execution of that play.

The interesting thing is that this time we will see a new Baker's brother. Two popular small screen stars Mir Sabbir and Saju Khadem are appearing as Bak's brother. This new serial drama is named 'Baker Khani'. The main director of the play is Nazrul Islam Raju. Matia Banu Shuku is the director of this episode. That play was written by Mesbah Uddin Suman. This play is going to be made on the story of Baker, his friend and Khani Begum of old Dhaka.

Matia Banu Shuku told the news media about Baker Khani drama, 'First of all I say that Baker's brother has nothing in common with that Baker's brother. Here it will be seen that a boy named Buck falls in love with another girl named Khani. Baker's friend is also very fond of mining. He also tries to seduce the girl with fake talk. Around the mine, the two friends started doing funny things one after another. The story of the real Baker and the fake Baker revolves around the mine.'

Matia Banu Shuku also told the media, 'Bak's brother character was very popular. The two friends sometimes remember that Buck's brother and say to each other that Buck's brother was crazy about Muna, and we are crazy about mine.

It is reported that Mir Sabbir will soon get busy with his first film. So his characters are already being shot in this drama. The rest of the drama will be shot throughout the month of December.

Meanwhile, the viewers have been watching two serials named 'Ghare Bayre' and 'Ghumant Gardei' directed by Nazrul Islam Raju on Machranga Television for a long time. If everything goes well, the audience will see this director's play 'Baker Khani' from the beginning of the new year.

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