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Countries where air travel is most dangerous

The Aviation Safety Network monitors and collects data on aviation around the world

The Dhaka Times Desk The safest way to travel is by train. On the other hand, the most dangerous travel is air travel. Still everyone is interested in air travel. Find out today which countries are the most dangerous to fly in.

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However, air travel is not dangerous in all countries. There are some countries where flying can cause death. One dangerous country to fly to is the Democratic Republic of Congo, also known as the DRC.

After the recent plane crashes in several countries, questions about the safety of aviation have been raised in everyone's mind. The latest accident happened in November, in the eastern city of Goma. 27 people died when the plane crashed into a house.

The Aviation Safety Network monitors and collects data on aviation around the world.

Their data shows that since 1945, this country on the African continent has had the largest number of passenger plane crashes.

Daniel Kwasi Adjekum of the University of North Dakota said that one of the reasons behind the high number of accidents in the Democratic Republic of Congo is the geography and the weakness of the control system.

One of the reasons for this is that only 4 of the country's 25 major cities cannot be reached by road from the capital Kinshasa. Apart from that, the country's air traffic control systems and equipment are somewhat functional.

On the other hand bad weather is responsible for some accidents. Heavy rains and storms increase the risk of aviation during the monsoon season in some places.

USA has had the highest number of plane crashes since 2010. Then Russia, Canada, Mexico and Indonesia.

In the last 10 years, the number of air passengers in Russia has increased almost 3 times and in Indonesia it has increased almost four times. This is the same time as the number of people killed in accidents in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The same number of people died in Nepal. As many as 180 people were killed in these two countries in these 10 years.

Nepal is also considered to have geo-natural causes as the biggest cause of plane crashes. Here the airport is a place where you have to cross the hill to land on the runway. So many times the landing becomes risky.

Only 0.1% of the total number of airplanes in the world fly in the DRC. That is, if there are 1000 airplanes in the world, there is only one airplane in this country. However, since 2010, only 4 percent of the total air accidents have occurred in this country.

On the other hand, air travel is not very safe in other African countries. The worst plane crash happened in 1996. A plane ran off the runway and crashed into a market in the capital Kinshasa. 237 people were killed in that accident.

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