The Dhaka Times
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Patriotic song on victory day in puppet voice

This popular star has participated in the recording of two patriotic songs

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular musician doll. He is always comfortable singing country songs. This popular star has participated in the recording of two patriotic songs. Two songs will be aired on two programs of Bangladesh Television on Victory Day. One of these two songs is Vipul Bhattacharya's Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra's song 'Aei Na Bangladesh Song' and the other is Moushumi Bhowmik's 'Jeshohar Road'.

পুতুলের কণ্ঠে বিজয় দিবসে দেশাত্মবোধক গান 1

Popular musician doll. He is always comfortable singing country songs. This popular star has participated in the recording of two patriotic songs. Two songs will be aired on two programs of Bangladesh Television on Victory Day. One of these two songs is Vipul Bhattacharya's Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra's song 'Aei Na Bangladesh Song' and the other is Moushumi Bhowmik's 'Jeshohar Road'.

According to media reports, Puthul Timir has already participated in the recording of patriotic songs in the 'Hridi Kallol' program presented by Nandi. Besides, Puthul will also take part in the recording of patriotic songs for the Victory Day special program produced by Mahbuba Ferdous. It is said that the songs will be aired on Bangladesh Television on Victory Day.

Puthul told the media about this song, 'I am fortunate to have been able to sing original songs of several countries in various ways. Songs for which I always get a good response. A different kind of satisfaction works in me in singing country songs. So far I have sung in 8/10 countries. It's really a different kind of love for me. My sincere gratitude to those involved with the songs.'

It is to be noted that Sazia Sultana Puthul entered the world of music through 'Closeup One-2006' competition. Apart from singing in various mix albums, the artist has already released several singles.

Apart from singing, this popular musician also presents and writes. His two novels are 'A Psychological Suicide and its Puppet Poem Report' and 'Jyotsnarate Ban Jaiyo Us Go Na Ghawe Na'. Both these novels of his have left scars in the hearts of the readers. He has been showered with accolades in various ways. That's why he always comes forward to do something mindful.

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