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If you use Facebook to pay tax!

জানুয়ারি ২০২০ হতে ফেসবুক ব্যবহারকারীদের উপর সরকার ট্যাক্স ধার্য করেছে

The Dhaka Times Desk Our readers may be shocked to see such a news! But the citizens of Bangladesh do not have that concern. Because this law is made in Malaysia. If you use Facebook, you have to pay tax! The government has imposed a tax on Facebook users in Malaysia from January 2020. If you use Facebook, you have to pay tax at a rate of 6 percent! Facebook authorities have already informed Malaysian Facebook users of this information through e-mail. However, it is not for ordinary users.

ফেসবুক ব্যবহার করলেই দিতে হবে ট্যাক্স! 1

Our readers may be shocked to see such a news! But the citizens of Bangladesh do not have that concern. Because this law is made in Malaysia. If you use Facebook, you have to pay tax! The government has imposed a tax on Facebook users in Malaysia from January 2020. If you use Facebook, you have to pay tax at a rate of 6 percent! Facebook authorities have already informed Malaysian Facebook users of this information through e-mail. However, it is not for ordinary users.

In this regard, the Facebook authority said that the Malaysian government will have to pay tax at the rate of 6 percent for the posts for which the authority of various pages used for commercial purposes will pay Facebook.

However, it has been said that in this case ordinary Facebook users will not have to pay any tax. This tax will be applicable only if a Facebook user starts the business management system, boosts the post. And business Facebook users will have to pay the Malaysian government a 6 percent rate for each post.

According to media reports, advertisements are used to promote various companies in Malaysia. Malaysian companies have to pay billions of rupees to Facebook for advertising. By this the Malaysian government is deprived of a huge amount of revenue. So Mahathir Mohamad's government announced the imposition of this tax.

Note that Facebook has been established as a very popular social media for people all over the world. Facebook is used like a daily necessary product. Just like eating rice is one day, just like Facebook is one day, such a situation has been created.

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