The Dhaka Times
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Mother sold 5 children!

This incident took place in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes some inhuman act moves Adar's heart. As happened to one woman. A mother sold her 5 children one by one! Can people really be so inhumane?

৫ সন্তানকে বিক্রি করলেন মা! 1

Sometimes some inhuman act moves Adar's heart. As happened to one woman. A mother sold her 5 children one by one! Can people really be so inhumane?

Women love their hair, but we have read about selling that hair to buy baby food. But we also see the contrary news of the society. It may be hard to believe that any mother cannot sell a rich child. But this time a real incident has happened, a mother is earning money by selling her child again and again! That stone mother sold not one child, but five children one by one!

One such incident has come up in a news of Genius. And this incident happened in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal state of India. This incident created a lot of excitement in the area.

It is known that the woman named Babli Das, a resident of Mahamayapara, Jalpaiguri, sold her three-month-old son for just 40 thousand rupees. Locals complained that Babli, the mother of 6 children, had sold 4 more children and got money.

Locals started keeping an eye on Babli after she became the mother of a new child. However, avoiding the eyes of the residents of the area, Babli Das took cover at his in-laws' house in Siliguri. Babli Das was not in his home Jalpaiguri for a month and a half.

It has been alleged that Babli Das finalized the talks of selling the children from the in-laws' house. The woman sold her child in Islampur through Bhola Singh, a resident of the area!

Locals have recently complained about this at Jalpaigundi Kotwali police station. After that, the police started investigating the incident.

The police have already detained two people and interrogated them to find out whether there is any big gang behind the child selling incident. However, one of the accused, Bhola Singh, has not yet been arrested by law enforcement agencies.

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