The Dhaka Times
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10-day closure announced from March 26, public-private offices-courts

The Dhaka Times Desk Government and private office courts have been closed for 10 days from 26th due to deadly corona virus.

২৬ মার্চ থেকে ১০ দিনের বন্ধ ঘোষণা সরকারি-বেসরকারি অফিস-আদালত 1

Meanwhile, the streets of the capital can be said to be empty due to the deadly corona virus. There is no public transport in the capital. There is silence all around. Many shops are also closed. Markets will also be closed from 25th. The Market Traders Association said that the markets will remain closed except raw markets, grocery stores and shops of daily necessities. Meanwhile, the government has announced closure of government and private offices for 10 days from Thursday 26th.

No one is allowed to leave the house unless it is an emergency. The government has also taken several steps to control the Corona situation.

Meanwhile, public transport in the capital was limited. The streets are empty. Crowds in markets and bazaars have already reduced.

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