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More than 18 lakh people may die from Corona

However, the research also claims that if immediate intervention is not taken, all the people of the world may be infected with the corona virus within this year and in that case 4 crore people may die.

The Dhaka Times Desk Corona is spreading around the world. A study has revealed that more than 1.8 million people will die worldwide due to the deadly corona virus infection. The researchers speculate that millions of lives could be saved if governments across the country take swift action to ensure strict public health measures, including testing, quarantining and social distancing, are in place.

করোনায় মৃত্যু হতে পারে ১৮ লাখের বেশি মানুষের 1

Corona is spreading around the world. A study has revealed that more than 1.8 million people will die worldwide due to the deadly corona virus infection. The researchers speculate that millions of lives could be saved if governments across the country take swift action to ensure strict public health measures, including testing, quarantining and social distancing, are in place.

On March 26, the research conducted by Britain's Imperial College was published. However, the research also claims that if immediate intervention is not taken, all the people of the world may be infected with the corona virus within this year and in that case 4 crore people may die.

0.2 deaths per 100,000 people per week due to rapid tightening of control measures. If the same measures had been delayed, 1.6 deaths per 100,000 people per week would have occurred. Due to which about 1.5 crore people would have lost their lives and 240 crore people of the world would have been affected by corona.

However, the report did not reveal the amount of social and economic damage due to the corona virus. A researcher of this study said, 'There will be a lot of damage and this damage will be at a disproportionate rate. This will especially be the case with low-income organizations.'

The report by the news agency AFP further states that the Imperial College study was carried out based on current data on the infectivity of the virus, estimated mortality rates, demographic and social factors.

In its latest report, Imperial College encouraged the UK government to continue its efforts to contain the virus. It is commented that more effective measures should be taken to prevent the corona virus worldwide.

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