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How a mother stays healthy after giving birth

The Dhaka Times Desk Pregnancy and childbirth is an incredibly difficult task for a woman. The birth of a new life i.e. the arrival of a newborn brings boundless joy to a family. After the long and complicated process of giving birth, the mother has to return to a healthy and normal life.


The structure of the mother's body changes as a result of carrying a child in the womb for a long time. After the birth of the child, various steps have to be followed to bring this change back to normal. Let's find out how a mother can leave all health problems behind and go back to work in a normal life.

Start slowly: Maternity and childbirth is a critical time cycle for human life, during which a mother has to go through various emotional problems. When a mother gives birth to her baby, the first thing she needs to do to get back to normal is to lose all the postnatal weight. Rest is also essential. But you must take care to lose weight. If you give birth by caesarean operation, you cannot exercise for the first 10 weeks. But continue light exercise, nutrition.

Follow the routine: When you have a child you must follow a regular routine to take care of the child. Where does the nutrition for feeding the newborn come from? It comes from the mother's body, for all these reasons it is very important to get enough nutrition during the postpartum period. During the first 4 months of life, your baby will spend most of his time sleeping while you feed, clean and spend time laughing with your husband. Take all kinds of help from your husband, relatives and friends in any need.

Things to remember:

  • Exercise gradually.
  • Walk for 20 minutes every day.
  • If you know how to swim, swim some time every day.
  • Don't worry too much about anything.
  • Always keep a bottle of water with you and try to keep yourself hydrated.
  • Be sure to wear a supportive bra when you exercise.
  • Ask your doctor about what types of exercise you can or cannot do.

Source: Times of India.

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