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Learn about kidney disease, keep your kidneys healthy

Dr. Md. Mashuk Elahi. Kidney is one of the most important organs of our body. It is silently working for us without our knowledge. If it gets sick due to any reason, then we understand its value. Know the common diseases of kidney system-


# infection (Acute or chronic pyelonephritis)
# Inflammation (Glomerulonephritis)
# Stone disease in kidney system
# Tumor in kidney system
# Kidney failure (Acute or chronic renal failure)

Symptoms of kidney disease:

# Pain on massaging
# Fever with shivering
# Decreased urine output
# Blood in urine
# Swelling due to accumulation of excess water in the body
# Burning in urinary tract
# anorexia, nausea, hypertension
# Frequent urination

Diagnosis of kidney disease:

If someone shows the above symptoms or if someone spontaneously wants to know if their kidneys are good, then the following tests can be used to determine it initially:

# Urine R/M/E (diagnose any infection in urine/blood/excess protein in urine)
# S. Creatinine (to measure kidney function)
# X-ray KUB (Kidney stones)
# USG of KUB with PVR (renal tumor/enlargement of prostate gland/kidney swelling)


Kidney treatment is divided into two divisions – Nephrology and Urology. Generally, all kidney diseases which are treated by medicine, such as infection, inflammation, kidney failure, are treated in the nephrology department. And kidney stones/tumors, birth defects, urinary blockage somewhere in the kidney system due to any reason and kidney swelling are treated through urology surgery. divided by

Ways to prevent kidney disease:

# Drink plenty of water and walk regularly
# Prolonged urinary retention
# Do not take pain relievers or other medications without a doctor's advice
# Control of Diabetes/Hypertension

Where to get kidney disease treatment:

At the government level, we also have medical colleges in the country, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, National Institute of Kidney Diseases and Urology-ESCOR Institute, both of which are operational. At the private level Barakah Kidney Hospital, Kidney Foundation Hospital - you can get treatment for any kidney related disease in these institutions.

# Dr. Md. Mashuk Elahi MBBS, FCPS (Part-2)

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