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Facebook in legal trouble over new privacy measures

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook wants to bring drastic changes in the privacy system of its users but it cannot be brought so easily, Facebook authorities have already faced lawsuits.


Facebook has given a different explanation for the delay in rolling out the change, though Facebook has said it will take some time to roll out the new privacy policy as it reviews customer feedback and previews, taking into account further changes to the announced privacy policy. may be

Disagreement with Facebook's privacy policy has already been sued in the US court, alleging that Facebook's privacy policy directly violates the 2011 agreement between the FTC and Facebook!

Meanwhile, Facebook has been accused of violating their contract and using users' personal information for commercial purposes. In this case, there are allegations of use of user statistical personal information and profile pictures.

However, Facebook said they are going to come up with a new privacy system so that its users can decide what kind of information can be used where and where.

Facebook said it is still under review as to when this change will be introduced. Hopefully, everyone will know the full version by next week.

Meanwhile, Facebook's 1.2 billion users are not taking this frequent change well. They are making negative comments about their status and new changes in Facebook on various blogs and sites. Let's see what changes Facebook brings in the new context.

Source: The Tech Journal.

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