The Dhaka Times
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Now the Indians are deploying drones on the border of Bangladesh!

The Dhaka Times Desk Indians have decided to deploy drones on the Bangladesh-India border. The news was confirmed by the Indian media citing the Director General of the Indian Border Guard BSF.


In the midst of the heartache of not getting justice among the people of Bangladesh based on the Bangladesh-India border killings and the recent Felani murder trial verdict, the news of the Indian media's deployment of modern unmanned intelligence drones on the border of the two countries has already created a sensation in the public mind.

India's BSF director general, Subhash Joshi, reported in the Indian media that drones will be deployed on the India-Bangladesh border in a short period of time.

These drones will fly at a height of 10,000 to 12,000 feet between the airspace of Bangladesh and India, since Bangladesh has its own private airspace and no Indian intelligence aircraft can enter it, so that height will be used. These unmanned drones will monitor the border areas from above and immediately inform the BSF battalion of that area if they see anything suspicious.

Meanwhile, an officer of BSF in India said, "The use of drones will greatly reduce smuggling and illegal infiltration between the two countries. And in this case, misunderstandings in the case of two countries will be reduced a lot because if a country wants to infiltrate and if that country denies it, then the drone will help them a lot to prove it."

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