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Whose Inventions Changed the Internet (Part 1)

Today nothing can be imagined without internet. In line with Airtel's slogan, “Life is Impossible without Internet!” In daily life, shopping, work, study, travel where this Internet is not used! Changing the standard of living all over the world and bringing the world truly into our hands, the internet has taken a lot of wood to get to where it is today. In particular, we have to acknowledge the contribution of some people, whose hands have made the Internet rich, spread so widely. Let's get to know some of them in the first episode today.


Internet Explorer:

According to a 1974 research paper, Vinton Cerf And Robert Kahn Two engineers named to facilitate their work invented a communication medium called communication protocol, which they named Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Little did Cerf and Kahn realize at the time that the protocol they invented would later evolve into the IP world known as the Internet! Their invention TCP is now worldwide Internet Protocol (IP)!
Read details here.


Inventor of www

Before writing any site URL (URL) or link we that www Likhi, a British physicist and computer scientist discovered it Tim Berners-Lee. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (www) as a project of the CERN organization in Geneva, Switzerland. From there, he contributed to the development of the web by creating the markup language through which webpages are decorated or composed. He is currently World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Working as its founder.


Inventor of email signatures:

An American programmer Ray Tomlinson In 1971 ARPANET While working in the company, he exchanged mails on two different hosts in one computer of the company. He then uses the @ symbol to send mail to two different computers. Today people all over the world exchange mail using the @ sign! Interestingly, when Ray Tomlinson showed the test to his colleagues, Jerry Burchfield told him, “Don't tell anyone! It's not our job!”


First Spam Mail:

When the world's first spam mail was sent, it was thought to be e-marketing, but it wasn't. Gary Thuerk On May 1, 1978, Ganhar sent a mail to about 400 mail addresses announcing his company Arpanet's new product Digital's new T-series of VAX systems, which became the world's first spam mail. However, Gary Thuerk has a different opinion on this matter. He said, “Actually I wanted to promote our new product to a lot of people, we wanted to do it without any invitations. I thought of it as e-marketing.”


The originator of the emoticon:

Dated September 19, 1982 Scott Fahlman Smiley invented the emoticon from the thought of expressing the writer's emotions while writing on the computer. At that time he used his emoticon experimentally in a mail, the mail was:

19-Sep-82 11:44 Scott E. Fahlman 🙂
From: Scott E. Fahlman

I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers:


Read it sideways. Actually, it is probably more economical to mark
things that are NOT jokes, given current trends. For this, use


Since then emoticons have been widely used; And now Messenger, Facebook, chat without emoticon no one can speak!


The birth of the browser:

The revolutionary change in the Internet world came in 1993. At this time Marc Andreessen A young computer engineer named Mosaic Created a web browser called, which was rich in graphical interface. It was the world's first web browser, which later Netscape Navigator The name is widely popular. It comes right after Microsoft of Internet Explorer, which causes browser wars. While Netscape Navigator was ahead at first, it was forced to retreat in the face of Microsoft's dominance, and was eventually sold to Microsoft. Currently, however, Internet Explorer is also a dying browser. Now the market is occupied Firefox And Google Chrome. Marc Andreessen, who changed the concept of internet browsing, is currently a co-founder of Ning and an investor in Digg, Plazes and Twitter.


Chat Discovery:

Internet Relay Chat or IRC First discovered in 1988 by a software developer Jarkko Oikarinen. It gained popularity in 1991 when Iraq invaded Kuwait. When all the media in Kuwait was shut down, it was possible to exchange the latest information via live chat via IRC. Then it started to be called MUT (MultiUser Talk). Later, various companies such as Yahoo, Facebook, Google developed their own chat software, but the beginning was shown by Jarkko Oikarinen!


Search Engines (Yahoo & Google):

David Filo And Jerry Yang The two created the search engine in 1994 Yahoo! Full Name Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle This company brought the first real taste of search to Internet users. But as it grew in popularity, it could not sustain it due to lack of foresight. Later, in 1998, search engines came into the market Google, and by changing search engine patterns, users are gradually leaning towards Google more. Currently the name of the largest company in the Internet world


Payment and Online Market:

Amazon and eBay pioneered online shopping. Jeff Bezos Created in 1994 by Amazon, which added the convenience of being able to buy new products online. He makes maximum use of online marketing and makes it grow much faster. eBay, on the other hand, entered the Internet in 1995. established it Pierre Morad Omidyar. He brought buyers and sellers to a platform where both buyers and sellers realize that one person's trash is another's treasure, and from that perspective, they started selling new and old products themselves on eBay.

On the other hand, PayPal was established in 1998 to exchange money online. Peter Thiel At the age of 31, he sold it to eBay for $1.4 billion 4 years after founding it.


Reference: Online

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