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Do you know the difference between typhoon, hurricane and cyclone!

We South Asians are familiar with cyclones and hurricanes, but many do not know what typhoons are! Is there really any special difference between these three types of natural phenomena? Read more to know…


Typhoons, hurricanes and cyclones are three natural phenomena that are caused by the differences in weather conditions. There is no difference between them, and they are called by one name depending on the location and nature of their formation.

Hurricane: Tropical storms formed in the western Atlantic Ocean are also called hurricanes.

Typhoon: Tropical storms or winds that form in the western Pacific Ocean are called typhoons, but our country has never seen a typhoon.

Cyclone: Terrible storms formed in the Southeast Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, which cross the Bay of Bengal into South Asian countries. Bangladesh is always a victim of this cyclone attack.

Cyclones, cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons are all tropical storms. The world has international date lines. Storms that form under each date line are named individually.

West of the International Date Line, storms in the Pacific Ocean are called typhoons. Storms formed in the South Pacific Ocean and South Indian Ocean are called tropical cyclones.

Storms formed in the North Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean are called hurricanes, while in the Arabian and Bay of Bengal, tropical cyclones are formed. These cyclones hit South Asia hard. Cyclone season in this region usually continues from April to November.


Meanwhile, cyclones and typhoons are also classified based on the speed of the storm. For example, if the speed of a storm is 111 miles per hour or 179 kilometers per hour, then it is called a severe hurricane. On the other hand, if the wind speed is more than 150 miles per hour, ie 240 kilometers per hour, it will be called a super typhoon!

Again, storms vary by season, such as tropical storms being called hurricanes, typhoons, or simply tropical storms, cyclones, tropical depressions, and simply cyclones. That is, 'Cyclone' is used to describe any depression in the weather system.


Tropical cyclones form in the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Although the Bay of Bengal is a bay, it is where most of the cyclones form. People in Bangladesh, India and Burma sub-regions are victims of this all-consuming cyclone every year. The impact of cyclones is widespread in the South Asian region, especially from April to November.

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