The Dhaka Times
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BNP rally today DMP has given permission for the assembly on 13 conditions

The Dhaka Times Desk BNP has received permission to hold a rally at Suhrawardy Udyan in the capital on Friday at 2 pm. Following BNP's application, the Dhaka Metropolitan Police granted this permission subject to conditions.


At 1 o'clock yesterday, Dhaka Metropolitan Intelligence Police Joint Commissioner and DMP Commissioner's spokesperson Monirul Islam said in an unscheduled press briefing, 'A delegation led by BNP Chief Whip Zainal Abdin Farooq on behalf of the 18 party came to DMP's office. They brought an application seeking permission to hold a rally on the road in front of the BNP central office in Nayapaltan on Friday. We talked to them. We are reviewing the safety of citizens, protection of life and property and the overall law and order situation.'

Later yesterday around 5:20 pm, Dhaka Metropolitan Police allowed the gathering at Suhrawardy Udyan.

Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Deputy Commissioner Anwar Hossain wrote to BNP Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi about the permission for the rally. In that letter, it has been mentioned that the rally should be finished by 5 pm and people can gather two hours before the start of the rally. It has also been said that sticks, rods, machetes, axes, sickles, bolts and native weapons etc. cannot be used under the cover of carrying any kind of banner, festoon. DMP's letter mentions a total of 13 conditions.

The conditions are:-

(1) All rally activities and use of microphones shall be restricted only inside Suhrawardy Udyan.
(2) Adequate security personnel shall be appointed for the security arrangements of the gatherings.
(3) Mic/projection shall not be used outside the Suhrawardy Udyan or on the road or on the side of the road.
(4) No assembly of people shall be allowed outside the Suhrawardy Udyan, on the streets or footpaths.
(5) The stage shall be constructed at the place designated by the police administration and the stage shall not be used for any purpose other than the assembly.
(6) No damage shall be done to any structure or trees within Suhrawardy Udyan.
(7) People can come to assemble 02 (two) hours before the commencement of assembly program and must end by 17.00 hrs.
(8) There shall not be any kind of obstruction to the movement of vehicles and people including gathering in the streets including the vicinity of Suhrawardy Udyan before or after the permitted time. Failure to do so will not allow any subsequent events.
(9) Activities against law and order and against public interest, state and public security shall not be carried out during the rally.
(10) Sticks, rods, machetes, axes, sickles, flails and native weapons etc. shall not be used behind the carrying of any kind of banner, festoon.
(11) Can't come to assembly place in procession.
(12) If the said conditions are not duly complied with, this permission order shall be deemed to be canceled with immediate effect.
(13) The authority reserves the right to cancel the said permission order without assigning any reason in public interest.

It should be noted that the DMP has banned gatherings in the Dhaka metropolitan area from October 20. That is why the BNP sought permission to hold a rally in front of Suhrawardy Udyan, Dhaka Metropolitan Theater and the party's central office in Nayapaltan on October 25.

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