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Box office Matalen space science fiction movie 'Gravity' - income $400 million! [Trailer Video]

The Dhaka Times Desk 3D science fiction movie 'Gravity' made about space, spaceships, astronauts' topped the box office charts by its third week of release and the film grossed over US$400 million, making it one of the highest-grossing films of the year.


Sandra Bullock, George Clooney The movie with a budget of 80 million dollars has earned 219 million dollars in North America alone and 207 million dollars from other countries till last Sunday. The stunning success at the box office established the film as one of the best space-films of all time.

The story of the movie revolves around the survival struggle of a medical officer and an astronaut who survive the destruction of a spacecraft. Bullock plays inexperienced astronaut Ryan Stone. Clooney stars as veteran astronaut Matt Kowalski. The Russians sent a missile to destroy one of their defunct satellites, causing the collision to destroy their spacecraft. Stone and Kowalski ejected from the spacecraft and went into space. In the space they are trapped in – the isolation, loneliness and sadness that they are trapped in – is evident throughout the movie. The movie 'Gravity' tells the story of the hope and struggle to return to Earth during this difficult time. Can they return to earth? The answer is in the movie.

Some more information about the movie:

  • Sandra Bullock and George Clooney are the only five actors in the entire movie. Two of them only gave voiceovers. The screenplay of the movie is written by Alfonso Cuarón and Jonas Cuarón.
  • Acting in sci-fi movie 'Gravity' was one of the best decisions of her life, says Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock. Many are hoping that acting in 'Gravity' will add an Oscar to his haul.
  • The movie's cinematography is excellent, with many scenes using first-person-point-of-view photography.
  • Famous Hollywood director James Cameron considers the techno-thriller style movie 'Gravity' starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney to be the best space-film of all time.
  • Hollywood box office analysts expect the film to ultimately gross between $550 and $600 million, while also competing at the Movie Awards.
  • of the movie IDM rating 8.5 so far which is also indicative of a good movie.

Movie trailer:

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