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Malware files will be automatically blocked in the new Chrome browser!

The Dhaka Times Desk Virus or Malware is the most common problem you have with your computer. Especially while surfing the internet and downloading various files you may not know if the file contains malware or virus. Google has improved the security system of their Chrome browser to eliminate this problem.


Downloading too many files without realizing it can cause viruses to spread from those files to your computer. So Google Chrome will warn you in advance about files that contain viruses.

If you are using Chrome browser, and after downloading a file, Chrome browser signals it as malicious, you can dismiss it without opening it. As a result, you will easily get rid of unexpected troubles. See the image below.


You must be using the latest version of Chrome to get this feature. By adding this feature to the Chrome browser, it is expected that Google will bring more advanced virus protection features in the coming days. Google official to get the latest Chrome browser On the Chrome website go away

Reference: TheTechJournal

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