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A terrible cyclone hit the coast of Somalia: hundreds of dead

The Dhaka Times Desk Somalia's government has declared a state of emergency in Puntland as the death toll from a deadly cyclone in eastern Somalia has surpassed 100.


  • Over 10,000 houses destroyed
  • The official death toll has exceeded 100
  • Emergency relief cooperation is being disrupted for inaccessible systems
  • The government calls for international help

A powerful cyclone hit the coast of Somalia on Saturday causing extensive damage to the Puntland region, with many villages wiped out along with numerous homes. The government of Somalia has declared a state of emergency there.

People in Puntland, the eastern region of Somalia, are poorer than other regions. Most of the houses there are unroofed, as a result of the impact of the storm, these unroofed houses have been severely damaged. According to various private sources, the death toll is being expressed in different numbers. Some say that more than 100 people have already been killed, while others say that the number is over 300.

Most of the roads in the Puntland region have been badly damaged by storms and floods. As a result, relief workers are facing problems in delivering emergency relief aid there. Meanwhile, the Puntland provincial government on Monday admitted the death toll had exceeded 100. At the moment, it is very important to deliver emergency relief, but due to the inhospitable environment, it cannot be done properly. The official statement also informed that the power system of the region was completely destroyed due to the impact of the storm.


Meanwhile, trucks with about 60 tons of food, blankets, clean drinking water have already been sent to the affected areas. President of the Land Abdirahman Farole Called on various international organizations to help quickly.

Eyewitnesses describing the incident Hussein Abdullahi He told the international media, "I saw with my own eyes how the terrible cold winds and the waves washed away the houses. Many people were swept away by the currents, many drowned. Some are trapped in collapsed houses. I have never seen such a terrible situation before, it is indescribable.”

Thank you: BBC

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