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Mobile Module furniture will be made in the house!

The Dhaka Times Desk One of a kind created by Singaporean designers Mobile module Furniture that you can use for different purposes.

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the designerDymitr Malcew With extraordinary innovative techniques, he created several series of mobile furniture that can be connected to each other to create different types of furniture, Dymitr Malcew The simple treehouse concept inspired him to create this mobile furniture.

Dymitr Malcew By connecting these mobile furniture specially to each other, you can create a separate small room for you inside your house, almost like a separate compound for yourself.

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Mobile furniture modules are placed in a structure where you can create the interior shape as you wish. You can move the entire module or structure to your convenient location with the four wheels attached underneath. The complete structure has three shelves on the inside where you can keep your essentials and three separate cushions for sitting or lying that you can move or keep in place as you wish.

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Dymitr Malcew Basically, the main purpose of creating this type of furniture was to provide a separate personal space for the office staff in offices that have open spaces. However, you can use this type of furniture in your home apart from the office, especially your children or younger brothers and sisters will be happy to have another room of their own inside this kind of comfortable and beautiful room.

Source: Gizmag

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