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Google Glass can also translate foreign language images with text!

The Dhaka Times Desk Smartphone users are familiar with translation apps that take an image with clear text. Now this facility is going to be added to Google Glass! That's why Word Lens team Can get a thank you.


When you put Google Glass on, look at a text and say if you want to translate it 'Okay Google, translate this.' Not only will Google translate to the language you want, but it will also tell you which language it's translating from! Even keeping the font and color, Google Translator will do the work for you.




It will be possible Word Lens app through this. The app is already there Android And on the iPhone is available However, Google Glass users are still quite low Word Lens team Working with Google on this app. It is expected that these popular apps will be able to increase the benefits of Google Glass and make it popular.

It contains about 10,000 words for each language. These apps are available for free with Google Glass. Another advantage is that you can use it even without an internet connection! Used for Android Word Lens app This app of Google Glass has a lot in common with it.

Reference: TheTechJournal

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