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Vigo device is created, which will keep you aware all the time!

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays people's life and quality of life has become very mechanized, people are so busy with work that they don't take care of themselves. Researchers have invented a device called Vigo that will tell you how weak you are and when to rest!


The newly developed device is the first device that can be worn on the human body and wakes people up with vibrations and notifications when they feel weak and fall asleep. This device for personal use mainly reviews the user's body movement, blood pressure, nerves, etc. to determine whether the person is too weak to work, and if so, immediately warns him and reminds him to rest.


Meanwhile, the device's inventor said the Vigo is capable of waking up the user when a user has unconsciously fallen asleep due to the effects of long work. Meanwhile, a study showed that 20 percent of road accidents in England are caused by falling asleep while driving due to weakness!


The device comes with an app that is used on smartphones, which will alert you to red or green lights when driving under traffic lights on the road!


This device weighs only 20 grams and works with iPhone and Android smartphones. It connects to the smart phone via Bluetooth. Meanwhile, investment has been called for commercial production of this device Kickstarter A. Already, 27 thousand 6054 dollars of investment money has come out of its 50 thousand dollars. Vigo will go into commercial production very soon if the entire target is met.

Source: The Daily Mail

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